
air-J スマホリング クリア-水彩画シリーズ01

¥1,700 税込

なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK


優れた機能と美しいデザインを兼ね備えたair-J スマホリング クリア-水彩画シリーズ01です。薄型でスタイリッシュなデザインは、スマートフォンに取り付けても邪魔になりません。指を通すリングは360度回転し、片手でも安定して持つことができます。さらに、リングは留め具としても機能し、スマートフォンを立てることもできます。水彩画シリーズ01は、美しい色彩と柔らかなタッチの水彩画が印象的です。洗練されたデザインで、あなたのスマートフォンを個性的に演出します。
This product image is an image generated by OriginalPrint.jp. Please note that it may differ from the actual product.
This is air-J Smartphone Ring Clear - Watercolor series 01, which combines excellent functionality and beautiful design. The thin and stylish design does not get in the way when attached to a smartphone. The ring that you put your finger through rotates 360 degrees, allowing you to hold it stably even with one hand. The ring also functions as a clasp, allowing the smartphone to stand on its own. Watercolor Series 01 is impressive with its beautiful colors and soft touch of watercolor painting. With its sophisticated design, it will give your smartphone a unique look.
air-J is a masterpiece that Japanese craftsmen have painstakingly created. Based on their many years of experience and technology, they have achieved both ease of holding and design. Carefully finished one by one, air-J continues to offer functionality and beauty to those who use it.
This phone ring adds a touch of elegance to your everyday life. Please try air-J, which combines ease of use and beauty.
*Please be careful not to exceed the weight of your smartphone. Avoid strong shocks and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

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¥1,700 税込

